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Nondiscrimination policy

The Norwood Park School PTO is committed to fostering an inclusive and diverse community that values and respects the individuality of all its members. We believe that every person, regardless of their race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or age, should be treated with dignity and respect. Our commitment to non-discrimination extends to all aspects of our organization, including membership, leadership, activities, and decision-making processes.


  1. Membership: a. Norwood Park School PTO welcomes all parents, guardians, caregivers, and community members who wish to join our organization. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or age. b. Membership is open to all individuals who support the mission and goals of the PTO and are willing to abide by our bylaws and policies.

  2. Leadership: a. Norwood Park School PTO is committed to providing equal opportunities for all members to serve in leadership positions within the organization. b. We do not discriminate against any member on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or age when selecting leaders or volunteers for positions within the PTO.

  3. Activities and Events: a. Norwood Park School PTO strives to create an inclusive environment at all our activities and events. b. We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or bullying of any kind during our activities and events. c. Reasonable accommodations will be made to ensure that all members, regardless of their abilities, can participate fully in our activities and events.

  4. Decision-Making Processes: a. Norwood Park School PTO is committed to transparent and inclusive decision-making processes. b. We actively seek input and feedback from all members and value the diversity of perspectives. c. Decisions made by the PTO will not be influenced by any form of discrimination.

  5. Reporting Discrimination: a. Any member who believes they have experienced discrimination, harassment, or bullying within the PTO is encouraged to report the incident to a member of the PTO leadership team. b. Reports will be taken seriously, treated confidentially, and thoroughly investigated, with appropriate action taken as necessary.

  6. Compliance: a. Norwood Park School PTO is committed to complying with all applicable federal, state, and local anti-discrimination laws and regulations.



This Non-Discrimination Policy reflects the values and principles of Norwood Park School PTO. We are dedicated to creating an inclusive, welcoming, and equitable environment for all members of our organization. Together, we can work towards a shared vision of unity, respect, and cooperation among our diverse community members.



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